Lieutenant Colonel George Kalergis praises "June 17, 1967 - Battle of Xom Bo II"

“David’s book reeks with authenticity about the horror and incredible valor of warriors in battle. Having served as a Forward Observer in combat in the same time period, his narrative brought me back instantly to the sounds, smells and chaos of war. Truth be told, it brought me to tears for my own similar experience of that and of thousands of others who wasted their valor and blood to "win the hearts and minds of the Vietnamese people."  His authentic and heartfelt detail of the individual events during that battle does honor to those killed, wounded and the survivors who must live with those memories today.”

George Kalergis LTC FA (Retired), 2 Bronze Stars For Valor 1st Cavalry Division 1967.

The father of Lieutenant Colonel George Kalergis was Lieutenant General James George Kalergis a career U.S. Army officer whose career spanned the World War II and Post-Vietnam eras and played a significant role in the post-Vietnam era reorganization of the U.S. Army.

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